This exhibit space for a world leading ceramic industry had to express the tangible energy crossing the client’s history at that time. We decided to represent it through a vibrant outer skin. Enclosing but transparent, a digital pattern made of thousands of MDF blocks.The attractive skin leaves edgeless the space inside. Here a central spine hosting the services organizes and connects five different exhibition areas. Simple fluid paths invites the visitors to discover and stop, directing their attention to the displays. Clear perception means clear information.
Two types of displays are created to outline differing product segments. Wireframe volumes host stylish sets backed by shifting compositions of ceramic surfaces and units made of plywood walls and platforms are intended for displaying larger extensions of product.Additionally, hi-end collections are presented as a landscape of sculptural surfaces organized around two custom made chandelier-like installations grouping hundreds of workshop lamps.
The overall design resulted to be symbolic, evocative and flexible. With a strong new identity, adaptable to the client’s ever changing needs and visions.–
Compasso d’Oro_

ADI Design Index_selected 

Kale Group
Trade show/
Cersaie 2014 Bologna IT
Creative direction/
Paolo Cesaretti
Design team/
Paolo Cesaretti, Michela Pinna, Debora Palmieri
Visual design/
Claudia Astarita
Fulvia Carmagnini, Laura Mauceri
La Bottega
700 Sqm
Lorenzo Pennati, Strefano Stagni, Denis Molinari